

Benzalkonium is an clarified agent used as a preservative in medications or equally a disinfectant in cleaning products.

Brand Names

BZK Pads, Ring-aid Hurt-free, Neosporin Neo To Go, Neosporin Wound Cleanser, Revitaderm Wound Intendance

Generic Proper name
DrugBank Accession Number

Benzalkonium is a quaternary ammonium compound used as a biocide, a cationic surfactant, and as a phase transfer agent Label. Benzalkonium is more commonly independent in consumer products in its salt form, benzalkonium chloride Label. This salt is used in a keen diversity of international pharmaceutical products such as eye, ear, and nasal drops or sprays every bit an excipient ingredient serving every bit an antimicrobial preservative Characterization. When used as an ingredient in clarified and disinfectant products however, information technology is an active antimicrobial agent 2.

Pocket-size Molecule
Approved, Investigational
Non Bachelor

When used as an active ingredient in products like antibacterial, clarified, or disinfectant soaps, topical sanitizers, or cleaning agents, benzalkonium is primarily implemented in its salt course, benzalkonium chloride, where information technology may often be the only active ingredient nowadays and indicated for the master purpose of topical washing to decrease bacteria on skin ii.

Conversely, when implemented every bit an excipient ingredient in a variety of multidose aqueous nose, centre, or ear products, benzalkonium chloride is being used as the antimicrobial preservative of choice to facilitate effective bactericidal and fungicidal deportment to help minimize the growth of unwanted organisms in the multidose containers Characterization.

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Associated Conditions
  • Diaper Dermatitis
  • Dry Eye Syndrome (DES)
  • Center and eyelid infections
  • Gingivitis
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Infantile Eczema
  • Rima oris irritation
  • Pruritus Ani
  • Tonsillitis
  • Throat inflammation
Associated Therapies
  • Antisepsis
  • Disinfection therapy
  • Heart disinfection
  • Eye lubrication
  • Hand Hygiene
  • Pare disinfection
  • Wound handling
Contraindications & Blackbox Warnings

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Benzalkonium chloride solutions are generally categorized every bit biocidal agents with relative long durations of action. Their spectrum of action has been demonstrated against bacteria, to some viruses, fungi, and protozoa 3, although bacterial spores are treated as beingness resistant to the amanuensis. Additionally, the agent more often than not shows more activity against gram-positive than gram-negative bacteria 3. Finally, solutions of benzalkonium chloride are bacteriostatic or bactericidal based on their concentration. Bacteriostatic agents human activity to prevent further growth of bacterial organisms that are nowadays while bactericidal agents office to kill bacteria that are nowadays 1. In general, the activeness of the agent is non largely affected by pH, but such activeness does increase substantially at college temperatures and prolonged exposure times.

Mechanism of action

Although non entirely elucidated, the bactericidal activity of benzalkonium chloride is believed to exist due to the disruption of intermolecular interactions. Such disruption can crusade the dissociation of cellular membrane lipid bilayers of bacteria, resulting in compromised cellular permeability control and the leakage of important cellular contents. Additionally, other of import molecular complexes similar enzymes which control the maintenance of a corking range of respiratory and metabolic cellular activities, are also susceptible to such deactivation. Consequently, a variety of critical intermolecular interactions and tertiary structures in very highly specific biochemical systems that allow bacterial agents to role normally tin be readily disrupted or deactivated by cationic surfactants like benzalkonium chloride. three.


Percutaneous absorption is considered to be insignificant 3.

In one study, benzalkonium chloride absorption was evaluated in women using tampons containing the agent. Venous blood samples were fatigued xv minutes earlier the tampon application and then over again at 15 min, one h, 3 h, and 24 h afterward awarding. Benzalkonium chloride was not detected in whatsoever of the blood samples at any time tested. 3

Similarly, in another study, benzalkonium chloride absorption was tested in women using tampons containing the amanuensis. Venous blood and breast milk samples were taken 15 minutes before application and three h and 24 h after tampon assistants. Benzalkonium chloride was not found in whatever of the subjects' samples. 3.

Moreover, in a study where benzalkonium chloride solution was placed on the corneal surface of rabbit subjects, at diverse intervals after administration, the rabbits' eyes would be washed with 1 mL saline and the following tissues and fluids were removed: bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva, aqueous humour, corneal epithelium, endothelium and stroma, iris-ciliary body, lens, vitreous, retina, and choroid. Plasma samples were obtained with direct cardiac punctures. Later administration of one drib, benzalkonium chloride was found in the corneal epithelium, endothelium, and stroma, and in the bulbar and palpebral conjunctivae. Benzalkonium chloride loss from ocular tissues was such that about one-tertiary to two thirds of its concentration (depending on the tissue) at 30 min remained after 24 hour; measurable values existed for as long equally 120 hour. The assistants of multiple drops led to connected accumulation of benzalkonium chloride. 3.

Volume of distribution

When practical every bit a topical antibacterial, antiseptic, disinfectant, or sanitizer it is believed that molecules of benzalkonium chloride are poorly absorbed (possibly due to their big, positively charged nature five), especially considering expectations for such topical applications to go along their biocidal agents bachelor for action at the topical level and to not exist captivated significantly across it.

When benzalkonium chloride is implemented equally an excipient preservative ingredient in various eye, nose, and ear aqueous products, such products volition always take other active pharmacological agents whose book of distribution will be of greater importance. In these cases the excipients will only e'er exist present at the minimal levels necessary to maintain the integrity of the product substance.

Moreover, Benzalkonium chloride is currently listed as a Category III ingredient by the United States Food and Drug Administration 6. Ingredients are listed in the FDA Category III when the data available about them are insufficient to classify equally rubber and effective, requiring farther testing to make up one's mind more formal details nearly elements like human pharmacokinetic studies, and studies on the ingredients' absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.

Protein binding

Not Available


Since benzalkonium chloride is structurally a large, positively charged molecule it is likely poorly captivated and eliminated largely in faeces, like to other fourth ammonium compounds v.

Route of emptying

Administered benzalkonium chloride is likely eliminated largely in faeces, like to other quaternary ammonium compounds 5.


Not Available


Not Available

Adverse Effects

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An oral dose of 100-400 mg/kg or a parenteral dose of v-15 mg/kg is believed to be fatal in humans 5.

A potential concern for larger concentrations of benzalkonium chloride to mayhap crusade corneal harm when implemented as an excipient ingredient in aqueous eye products is an issue that should be discussed between potential patents and their health care providers 5. Since decreased regular blinking and tear generation in patients experiencing dry out eyes due to any number of centre atmospheric condition tin result in reduced dilution of applied eye drops containing the benzalkonium chloride preservative 5, alternative options including benzalkonium chloride-free products should be considered.

Additionally, benzalkonium chloride has been reported to cause punctate keratopathy and/or toxic ulcerative keratopathy. In addition, benzalkonium chloride may cause middle irritation and is known to discolour soft contact lenses 5. There may also be the possibility of benzalkonium chloride containing eye drops to cause some stinging and pain five.

There is the possibility of ototoxicity occurring when benzalkonium chloride containing ear drops are applied to the ear 5.

Benzalkonium chloride used every bit a preservative in nebulised solutions of anti-asthma drugs has been reported to crusade dose-related bronchoconstriction especially in asthmatic patients and has been associated with the precipitation of respiratory arrest v.

Despite the adequately widespread cutaneous utilise of benzalkonium chloride, only limited human testify of sensitization in relatively pocket-size populations of individuals accept been reported v. However, the main adverse result for topical formulations of benzalkonium chloride is ordinarily the alarm 'may cause local irritation' 5.

Not Available
Pharmacogenomic Effects/ADRs
Not Bachelor
Drug Interactions

This information should non exist interpreted without the help of a healthcare provider. If you believe you are experiencing an interaction, contact a healthcare provider immediately. The absence of an interaction does non necessarily mean no interactions exist.

Not Available
Food Interactions
No interactions institute.

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Production Ingredients
Ingredient UNII CAS InChI Key
Benzalkonium bromide 151T1GQ42D 91080-29-four Not applicative
Benzalkonium chloride F5UM2KM3W7 8001-54-5 Non applicative
Make Name Prescription Products
Name Dosage Strength Route Labeller Marketing Start Marketing End Region Image
EUDERMIS Rx Gel 0.0887 yard/88.7mL Topical Blaine Labs Inc. 2019-04-01 Not applicative US flag
Over the Counter Products
Proper noun Dosage Forcefulness Route Labeller Marketing Offset Marketing End Region Image
(sani-maxx) Anti-bacterial Wet Wipes Swab 0.13 mg/100mg Topical ZHANGZHOU KANGBEI HYGIENIC PRODUCTS CO., LTD. 2020-09-08 Not applicable US flag
0.13% Benzalkonium Chloride Instant Mitt Sanitizer Gel 0.xiv grand/100mL Topical Hangzhou Wellbeing Engineering Co., Ltd. 2020-06-04 Not applicable US flag
0.xiii% Benzalkonium Chloride Instant Hand sanitizer Gel 0.fourteen g/100mL Topical BJ Goods LLC 2020-06-04 Non applicable US flag
1200 Wet Wipes Cloth 0.1 g/100mL Topical D D Office Products, Inc. 2020-07-15 Not applicative US flag
1438 DynaSoap Lather 0.13 thousand/100g Topical Dynarex Corporation 2020-08-01 Not applicable US flag
20 pack Private Antibacterial Paw Wipes Cloth 0.1 g/1001 Topical Hero Brands, Inc. 2020-08-06 Not applicable US flag
xx pack Private Antibacterial Hand Wipes - Aloe Fabric 0.1 yard/1001 Topical Tianjin Lantian Bishui Technology Co,. Ltd. 2020-08-06 Non applicative US flag
20 pack Individual Antibacterial Paw Wipes - Fresh Cloth 0.1 grand/1001 Topical Tianjin Lantian Bishui Technology Co,. Ltd. 2020-08-06 Not applicable US flag
2xl Mega Whorl sanitizing wipes 2300 count megaroll Cloth 1.3 mg/1mL Topical 2xl Corporation 2014-01-21 Non applicable US flag
2XL Mega Rolls Sanitizing Wipes Swab 0.xiii g/100g Topical 2xl Corporation 2017-03-16 Not applicable US flag
Mixture Products
Proper noun Ingredients Dosage Road Labeller Marketing Beginning Marketing End Region Image
(badiful) Antibacterial Wipes Benzalkonium chloride (13 mg/100mL) + Cetylpyridinium chloride (5 mg/100mL) + Chlorphenesin (2 mg/100mL) + Propylene glycol (ii mg/100mL) Swab Topical ZHANGZHOU KANGBEI Aseptic PRODUCTS CO., LTD. 2020-05-31 Not applicable US flag
10 Person ANSI Benzalkonium chloride (0.13 g/100g) + Benzalkonium chloride (0.forty mL/100mL) + Acetaminophen (325 mg/ane) + Acetylsalicylic acid (325 mg/ane) + Bacitracin zinc (400 [iU]/1g) + Benzocaine (6 mL/100mL) + Ethanol (lx mL/100mL) + Ibuprofen (200 mg/i) + Lidocaine (0.five 1/100g) + Neomycin sulfate (5 mg/1g) + Polymyxin B sulfate (5000 [iU]/1g) + H2o (98.six mL/100mL) Kit Ophthalmic; Oral; Topical 18-carat Starting time Help 2010-04-24 Not applicable US flag
10 Person ANSI Benzalkonium chloride (0.13 g/100g) + Benzalkonium chloride (0.40 mL/100mL) + Acetaminophen (325 mg/1) + Acetylsalicylic acid (325 mg/i) + Bacitracin zinc (400 [iU]/1g) + Benzocaine (half dozen mL/100mL) + Ethanol (60 mL/100mL) + Ibuprofen (200 mg/1) + Lidocaine (0.5 1/100g) + Neomycin sulfate (5 mg/1g) + Polymyxin B sulfate (5000 [iU]/1g) + Water (98.6 mL/100mL) Kit Ophthalmic; Oral; Topical Genuine Get-go Aid 2010-04-24 Not applicable US flag
14-Panel Toxicology Medicated Collection System Benzalkonium chloride (0.thirteen thousand/100g) + Furosemide (xx mg/1) Oral; Topical Morkin Companies, Inc DBA Medical Technologies, Inc 2022-01-26 Non applicable US flag
25 Person ANSI Benzalkonium chloride (0.13 g/100g) + Benzalkonium chloride (0.40 mL/100mL) + Acetaminophen (325 mg/1) + Acetylsalicylic acid (325 mg/one) + Bacitracin zinc (400 [iU]/1g) + Benzocaine (half dozen mL/100mL) + Ethanol (sixty mL/100mL) + Ethanol (62 g/100g) + Ibuprofen (200 mg/ane) + Isopropyl alcohol (lxx mL/100mL) + Lidocaine (0.5 yard/100g) + Neomycin sulfate (v mg/1g) + Polymyxin B sulfate (5000 [iU]/1g) + Water (98.half dozen mL/100mL) Kit Ophthalmic; Oral; Topical Genuine Outset Aid 2010-04-25 Not applicative US flag
25 Person ANSI Benzalkonium chloride (0.13 g/100g) + Benzalkonium chloride (0.40 mL/100mL) + Acetaminophen (325 mg/i) + Acetylsalicylic acid (325 mg/1) + Bacitracin zinc (400 [iU]/1g) + Benzocaine (6 mL/100mL) + Ethanol (sixty mL/100mL) + Ethanol (62 thousand/100g) + Ibuprofen (200 mg/1) + Isopropyl alcohol (70 mL/100mL) + Lidocaine (0.5 chiliad/100g) + Neomycin sulfate (5 mg/1g) + Polymyxin B sulfate (5000 [iU]/1g) + Water (98.6 mL/100mL) Kit Ophthalmic; Oral; Topical Genuine First Assistance 2010-04-25 Not applicable US flag
3 Step Kickoff Assistance Kit Benzalkonium chloride (1 mg/1mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (10 mg/1mL) Liquid Topical Swabplus Inc. 2003-03-01 2013-01-thirty US flag
iii-Step Kickoff Help Kit Benzalkonium chloride (xi mg/10mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (100 mg/10mL) + Povidone-iodine (100 mg/10mL) Kit Topical Swabplus Inc. 2003-03-01 Not applicative US flag
4017 Beginning Assistance Kit Benzalkonium chloride (0.thirteen grand/100g) + Benzalkonium chloride (one.iii mg/1mL) + Acetaminophen (325 mg/one) + Ethanol (0.5 mL/1mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (20 mg/1mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (0.five thousand/100g) + Neomycin sulfate (3.5 mg/1g) + Water (98.6 mL/100mL) Kit Ophthalmic; Oral; Topical Honeywell Safety Products Us, Inc 2018-ten-eighteen Not applicative US flag
4017 First Aid Kit Benzalkonium chloride (0.13 grand/100g) + Benzalkonium chloride (i.iii mg/1mL) + Acetaminophen (325 mg/1) + Ethanol (0.5 mL/1mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (20 mg/1mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (0.v grand/100g) + Neomycin sulfate (3.5 mg/1g) + Water (98.half dozen mL/100mL) Kit Ophthalmic; Oral; Topical Honeywell Safety Products The states, Inc 2018-10-18 Not applicable US flag
Unapproved/Other Products
Proper noun Ingredients Dosage Route Labeller Marketing Start Marketing End Region Paradigm
(badiful) Antibacterial Wipes Benzalkonium chloride (13 mg/100mL) + Cetylpyridinium chloride (v mg/100mL) + Chlorphenesin (2 mg/100mL) + Propylene glycol (two mg/100mL) Swab Topical ZHANGZHOU KANGBEI HYGIENIC PRODUCTS CO., LTD. 2020-05-31 Not applicable US flag
(sani-maxx) Anti-bacterial Moisture Wipes Benzalkonium chloride (0.13 mg/100mg) Swab Topical ZHANGZHOU KANGBEI HYGIENIC PRODUCTS CO., LTD. 2020-09-08 Not applicative US flag
4017 Start Aid Kit Benzalkonium chloride (0.13 one thousand/100g) + Benzalkonium chloride (i.3 mg/1mL) + Acetaminophen (325 mg/one) + Ethanol (0.5 mL/1mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (20 mg/1mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (0.5 g/100g) + Neomycin sulfate (3.5 mg/1g) + Water (98.6 mL/100mL) Kit Ophthalmic; Oral; Topical Honeywell Safety Products Us, Inc 2018-10-xviii Not applicative US flag
4017 Starting time Aid Kit Benzalkonium chloride (0.13 g/100g) + Benzalkonium chloride (1.3 mg/1mL) + Acetaminophen (325 mg/i) + Ethanol (0.5 mL/1mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (20 mg/1mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (0.5 chiliad/100g) + Neomycin sulfate (3.v mg/1g) + H2o (98.6 mL/100mL) Kit Ophthalmic; Oral; Topical Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc 2018-10-xviii Not applicable US flag
4022 First Aid Kit Benzalkonium chloride (0.13 g/100g) + Benzalkonium chloride (1.iii mg/1mL) + Acetaminophen (325 mg/1) + Ethanol (0.5 mL/1mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (20 mg/1mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (0.v g/100g) + Neomycin sulfate (iii.five mg/1g) + Water (98.6 mL/100mL) Kit Ophthalmic; Oral; Topical Honeywell Safety Products U.s.a., Inc 2018-10-18 Non applicative US flag
4022 First Help Kit Benzalkonium chloride (0.thirteen g/100g) + Benzalkonium chloride (1.iii mg/1mL) + Acetaminophen (325 mg/1) + Ethanol (0.five mL/1mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (20 mg/1mL) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (0.5 thou/100g) + Neomycin sulfate (3.5 mg/1g) + Water ( mL/100mL) Kit Ophthalmic; Oral; Topical Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc 2018-ten-18 Not applicable US flag
4032 First Help Kit Benzalkonium chloride (1.three mg/1mL) + Acetylsalicylic acid (325 mg/1) + Ammonia (0.045 g/0.3mL) + Bacitracin zinc (400 [iU]/1g) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (24.64 mg/1mL) + Neomycin sulfate (3.5 mg/1g) + Polymyxin B sulfate (5000 [iU]/1g) + Water (98.6 mL/100mL) Kit Ophthalmic; Oral; Respiratory (inhalation); Topical Honeywell Safety Products Us, Inc 2018-10-18 Non applicative US flag
4042 Starting time Aid Kit Benzalkonium chloride (0.13 g/100g) + Bacitracin zinc (400 [iU]/1g) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (0.5 g/100g) + Neomycin sulfate (3.5 mg/1g) + Polymyxin B sulfate (5000 [iU]/1g) + Povidone-iodine (10 mg/1mL) Kit Topical Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc 2018-xi-21 2019-ten-18 US flag
4044 Get-go Help Kit Benzalkonium chloride (0.13 m/100g) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (0.5 thousand/100g) + Neomycin sulfate (3.5 mg/1g) + Povidone-iodine (10 mg/1mL) Kit Topical Honeywell Prophylactic Products USA, Inc 2018-11-21 2019-10-18 US flag
4045 First Aid Kit Benzalkonium chloride (0.13 grand/100g) + Lidocaine hydrochloride (0.5 chiliad/100g) + Neomycin sulfate (3.5 mg/1g) + Povidone-iodine (x mg/1mL) Kit Topical Honeywell Safety Products U.s.a., Inc 2018-11-21 2019-10-18 US flag
ATC Codes
R02AA16 — Benzalkonium
  • R02AA — Antiseptics
D08AJ01 — Benzalkonium
  • D08AJ — Quaternary ammonium compounds
D09AA11 — Benzalkonium
  • D09AA — Medicated dressings with antiinfectives
Drug Categories
  • Amines
  • Anti-Infective Agents
  • Anti-Infective Agents, Local
  • Antiseptics and Disinfectants
  • Benzalkonium Compounds
  • Benzylammonium Compounds
  • Compounds used in a inquiry, industrial, or household setting
  • Dermatologicals
  • Detergents
  • Disinfectants (For Agents Used on Object)
  • Household Products
  • Medicated Dressings
  • Medicated Dressings With Antiinfectives
  • Miscellaneous Local Anti-infectives
  • Onium Compounds
  • Pharmaceutic Aids
  • Pharmaceutical Preparations
  • Preservatives, Pharmaceutical
  • Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
  • Surface-Active Agents
  • Throat Preparations
Not classified
Affected organisms
  • Humans and other mammals
CAS number
Not Available
General References
  1. Pankey GA, Sabath LD: Clinical relevance of bacteriostatic versus bactericidal mechanisms of activity in the handling of Gram-positive bacterial infections. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 Mar 15;38(6):864-70. doi: 10.1086/381972. Epub 2004 Mar 1. [Article]
  2. DailyMed: Benzalkonium Chloride - antibacterial hand soap refill liquid Monograph [Link]
  3. NIH Toxnet Benzalkonium Chloride Compounds [Link]
  4. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Benzalkonium Chloride Chemic Rubber Card [Link]
  5. European Medicines Agency: Benzalkonium chloride used as an excipient [Link]
  6. Food and Drug Administration: Prophylactic and Effecrtiveness for Health Intendance Antiseptics; Topical Antimicrobial Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use; Proposed Amendment of the Tentative Final Monograph; Reopening of Administrative Tape [Link]
  7. Doctoralia: IntimaAzul (benzalkonium chloride) vaginal douche [Link]
  8. DailyMed: 0.13% Benzalkonium Chloride instant manus sanitizer [Link]
PubChem Substance
FDA label
Clinical Trials
Phase Condition Purpose Conditions Count
iv Active Not Recruiting Treatment Wound Infections 1
4 Completed Basic Science Transsexualism ane
4 Completed Other Hemophilia Equally 1
4 Completed Prevention Adenotonsillectomy one
4 Completed Prevention Cerebrovascular Accident / High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) / Transient Ischemic Attack 1
four Completed Prevention Pancreatitis,Acute Necrotizing one
4 Completed Prevention Premature Births one
4 Completed Treatment Amazement therapy 1
4 Completed Treatment Anemia of End Stage Renal Affliction ane
iv Completed Treatment Anemia / Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) / Complication of Peritoneal Dialysis one

Not Bachelor


Not Bachelor

Dosage Forms
Form Route Forcefulness
Gel Topical 0.14 g/100mL
Kit Ophthalmic; Oral; Respiratory (inhalation); Topical
Kit Ophthalmic; Respiratory (inhalation); Topical
Kit Oral; Respiratory (inhalation); Topical
Kit Respiratory (inhalation); Topical
Kit Irrigation; Ophthalmic; Respiratory (inhalation); Topical
Kit Irrigation; Ophthalmic; Topical
Kit Irrigation; Oral; Respiratory (inhalation); Topical
Kit Irrigation; Ophthalmic; Oral; Respiratory (inhalation); Topical
Foam Oral
Textile Topical 0.01 k/1001
Solution Topical 7.viii mg/1
Liquid Topical 78 mg/60mL
Gel Topical 0.013 k/100mL
Aerosol, foam Topical i mg/1g
Cream Topical .005 g/2g
Fabric Topical one.1 mg/1mL
Solution Topical 1.5 g
Cloth Topical 0.12 % w/v
Kit Oral; Topical
Kit Topical
Soap Topical 25.0 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 1.29 mg/1mL
Soap Topical 1 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical mL/100mL
Swab Topical 0.xl chiliad/100g
Solution Topical 1 g/1L
Aerosol, cream Topical 0.i g/10mL
Liquid Topical 0.13 yard/10mL
Cloth Topical 0.08 g/100g
Spray Topical 0.13 mg/0.13mg
Soap Topical ane.3 mg/1mL
Aerosol, foam Topical 0.thirteen mL/100mL
Aerosol, foam Topical 1.2 mL/1000mL
Gel Topical .13 mL/100mL
Gel Topical 1 mg/1mL
Gel Topical ten mg/1mL
Patch Topical
Gel Topical 13 mg/100mL
Liquid Topical 1.4 mg/1mL
Gel Topical 0.13 mg/0.13mg
Cloth Topical 0.13 one thousand/100mL
Dressing Topical 0.28 mg/3.125cm2
Liquid Topical 0.7 g/100mL
Liquid Topical 7 g/1L
Soap Topical 0.2 thou/100mL
Lotion Topical 0.13 % w/w
Liquid Topical 1.2 g/1000mL
Spray Topical 0.xv chiliad/100g
Lather Topical 25 mg/1mL
Swab Topical 0.three g/1
Pause / drops Ophthalmic
Spray Topical 1.iii k/1mL
Cloth Topical 0.4 g/100g
Aerosol, spray Topical
Lather Topical 1.3 g/1000mL
Textile Topical 0.013 i/1
Gel Topical 0.09 grand/100g
Lather Topical 0.25 yard/100mL
Cream Topical 0.025 k/50mL
Fabric Topical 0.155 1/1001
Solution Topical 0.155 1000/100g
Liquid Topical 0.iii %
Soap Topical 6.04 one thousand/3882.21g
Liquid Topical 1.3 mg/1000mL
Lotion Topical 0.13 yard/0.13g
Solution Topical 0.25 mg/0.25mg
Patch Topical 0.12 g/100g
Swab Topical 0.12 grand/100g
Swab Topical one thousand/100g
Dressing Topical 0.12 g/100g
Dressing Topical 0.13 g/100g
Lotion Topical 1.313 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical xiii kg/100kg
Liquid Extracorporeal ane.8 g/450g
Solution Topical 0.325 mL/295.74mL
Solution Topical 0.055 mL/50.275mL
Liquid Topical 0.125 % westward/w
Soap Topical 0.013 mg/1mL
Gel Topical 1.0 mg/1mL
Gel Topical 0.25 k/100g
Liquid Topical 0.12 g/100g
Liquid Topical 1.2 yard/1mL
Spray Topical 0.4 k/100g
Spray Topical 1 mg/100mL
Lotion Topical 1.0 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 1.313 mg/1mL
Textile Topical 0.02 k/0.02g
Fabric Topical 0.125 % due west/w
Cloth Topical 0.2 g/0.2g
Material Topical ane.iii mg/1
Cloth Topical ane.1 mg/1g
Foam Topical 1.iii mg/1mL
Swab Topical ane mg/1mL
Fabric Topical 3.3 mg/1
Liquid Topical 0.3 g/100g
Cloth Topical 0.0013 1/i
Cloth Topical 0.13 U/100U
Cloth Topical 0.three g/1001
Solution Topical 0.01 g/1
Swab Topical 0.1 g/100g
Swab Topical 0.115 g/100g
Swab Topical 0.115 mg/100mg
Swab Topical 0.156 thou/100g
Swab Topical 0.three m/100g
Swab Topical 0.115 mL/100mL
Cloth Extracorporeal 0.00425 g/1
Material Topical 0.2 1000/100g
Cloth Topical 0.2 mg/100mL
Textile Topical 0.3 mg/1
Cloth Topical 13 mg/100mL
Cloth Topical 5 mg/1
Swab Topical 0.1 mg/1mL
Swab Topical 0.2 thousand/100g
Solution Topical 0.1 g/1001
Solution Topical 0.13 g/1001
Solution Topical 0.28 one thousand/1001
Liquid Topical one.3 ug/1mg
Fabric Topical 0.125 g/100g
Soap Topical 0.3 g/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.01417 chiliad/ane
Liquid Topical 1.2478 g/1L
Liquid Topical one.3 mL/1L
Liquid Topical 1.3 mg/1g
Liquid Topical 1.30 mL/1L
Swab Topical i.3 mg/1g
Swab Topical 1.3 mg/1mL
Dressing Topical 0.042 mg/one
Dressing Topical 0.1 mg/100mg
Fabric Topical 1.three mg/1g
Fabric Topical 0.13 m/1001
Gel Topical 0.12 %
Gel Topical 0.xv %
Soap Topical 0.5 grand/100mL
Lotion Topical .1 %
Textile Topical five.2 mg/one
Cream Topical 0.12 g/100mL
Swab Topical four mg / mL
Liquid Topical 1.1 mg/ane.4mL
Swab Topical 0.13 g/100g
Swab Topical 1 mg/1
Cloth Topical i.3 mg/1mL
Textile Topical 0.133 g/100g
Cloth Topical thirteen g/100g
Liquid Topical 0.thirteen mg/1mg
Textile Topical 0.ane g/1001
Cloth Topical 0.115 mg/100mg
Cloth Topical 0.54 1000/1
Liquid Topical 100 mg/100mL
Lozenge Oral
Liquid Topical i.3 mg/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.1 thou/100mL
Swab Topical 0.125 mg/100mg
Liquid Topical 0.115 g/100g
Patch Topical 0.i mg/100mg
Lather Topical 250 mg/1mL
Solution Topical 0.25 g/100mL
Liquid Topical 100 mg/100g
Gel Topical 0.13 % w/w
Spray Topical 0.3 one thousand/100mL
Gel Topical 1 yard/1000mL
Spray Oral
Gel Vaginal 100 mg/100mL
Douche Vaginal 0.ane mL/100mL
Gel Topical 0.25 g/100mL
Gel Topical thirteen mg/1mL
Gel Topical 1.iii mg/1mL
Gel Topical 0.xiii %
Gel Topical 1.3 mg/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.03 yard/100mL
Cloth Topical mg/1mL
Liquid Topical mL/100mL
Spray Topical 0.13 thousand/100mL
Aerosol, foam Topical 100 chiliad/100L
Liquid Topical 0.05 g/50mL
Liquid Topical 0.5 g/500mL
Liquid Topical 0.08 g/1
Liquid Topical 0.05 thousand/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.03 g/30mL
Liquid Topical 0.2 g/200mL
Liquid Topical 0.06 g/60mL
Liquid Cutaneous 0.13 yard/100mL
Spray Topical 0.fifteen % due west/w
Solution Topical 0.15 %
Liquid Topical 0.1713 g/100mL
Droplets Topical 0.13 %
Swab Topical 0.0012 mg/1mg
Soap Topical 0.2 g/100g
Cloth Topical 0.0025 g/1g
Cloth Topical 0.0013 mg/1
Foam Topical 0.1 g/100mL
Solution Topical 0.xv % due west/westward
Solution Cutaneous
Powder Topical; Vaginal
Fabric Topical 0.0043524 g/1
Cloth Topical 0.013 mg/100mg
Gel Topical i.2 mg/1g
Liquid Topical .13 thousand/1mL
Liquid Topical i g/13mg
Liquid Topical xxx mg/30mL
Soap Topical 0.10 g/100g
Soap Topical 0.113 g/113g
Swab Topical 0.0013 g/1mL
Swab Topical .4 %
Swab Topical 0.0013 mg/ane
Swab Topical 0.004 mL/i
Cloth Topical 0.13 % west/w
Solution Topical 0.5 g/100mL
Swab Topical 0.xiii g/1
Cloth Topical 0.4 %
Gel Topical 0.06 mg/59mg
Solution Cutaneous; Topical
Material Topical 4.9 mg/one
Aerosol, foam Topical one.3 mg/0.001L
Cloth Topical 12 one/1001
Material Topical 1.2 mg/1mL
Shampoo Topical 0.i g/100g
Soap Cutaneous 0.1 grand/100g
Lather Cutaneous 0.13 yard/100g
Balm Cutaneous 0.13 1000/100g
Solution Topical 0.xiv g/100mL
Textile Topical 0.0013 g/1mL
Liquid Dental .two %
Liquid Topical 0.12 m/100mL
Gel Topical 0.i thousand/100g
Solution Topical 3.6 mg/1
Solution Topical 4.5 mg/one
Patch Topical 0.039 one thousand/30g
Material Topical 0.0012 1/1001
Liquid Topical .1 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.20 yard/100mL
Solution Topical 0.008 one thousand/1
Movie, soluble Topical 1 mg/1mL
Aerosol, foam Topical one mg/1000mL
Kit Electro-osmosis
Gel Topical 1.5 mg/1mL
Cloth Topical 0.01 m/1g
Soap Topical 0.001 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.0013 thousand/1g
Swab Topical 1 mg/1g
Spray Topical 0.thirteen g/30mL
Swab Topical 0.10 g/100g
Swab Topical 0.xiii mg/100mg
Swab Topical 1 thousand/750g
Swab Topical 1 mL/750mL
Solution Topical 0.4 g/100mL
Solution Topical 0.thirteen k/100g
Swab Topical 1.33 mg/1g
Spray Topical 0.039 grand/30mL
Liquid Extracorporeal 1 thousand/500mL
Solution Topical .0013 mL/one
Solution Topical 0.0013 mL/1mL
Swab Topical 0.00133 mL/1mL
Fabric Topical 0.133 % w/v
Material Topical 0.133 %
Solution Epidural; Topical .0013 mL/1
Swab Topical 0.001 mL/1.4mL
Swab Topical 0.00186 mL/i.4mL
Swab Topical 1.33 mg/1mL
Lather Topical ane.0 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 20 thousand/1L
Fabric Topical 0.05 g/1g
Swab Topical 0.133 g/100g
Cloth Topical 0.002 i/one
Solution Topical 130 mg/100mL
Soap Topical 130 mg/100mL
Solution Topical mg/1
Cloth Topical 0.0019 g/1
Liquid Topical 0.16 chiliad/162g
Liquid Topical 1.2 one thousand/1L
Solution Topical 0.125 % w/w
Soap Topical 0.1755 g/135g
Swab Topical ane/i
Swab Topical i.3 g/0.13mg
Solution Topical .xiii g/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.0054 g/three.6g
Liquid Topical 0.xiv thousand/100g
Solution Topical ane.89 mg/1
Solution Topical 2.39 mg/1
Solution Topical 2.43 mg/1
Cream Topical 0.1 % westward/w
Gel Topical 0.xiii mL/100mL
Soap Topical 0.xiii g/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.1 mg/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.24 mg/1mL
Swab Topical 0.13 mg/1
Swab Cutaneous; Topical 0.125 g/100mL
Swab Topical 0.125 g/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.125 mg/100mg
Lather Topical .12 k/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.13 % w/westward
Solution Topical 0.12 % due west/due west
Solution Topical 0.xiii mg/100mL
Shampoo Topical 0.19 g/191.64g
Tincture Topical 0.13 mL/1mL
Swab Topical 0.135 1/100g
Cream Topical 0.15 % west/due west
Liquid Topical 2.9 mg/1L
Cloth Topical 0.115 %
Cream Topical 13 mg/1mL
Swab Topical 0.15 m/100g
Solution Topical 0.115 thousand/i
Aerosol, foam Topical 0.13 grand/100mL
Kit Topical 0.13 % w/v
Spray Topical 0.13 % w/5
Soap Topical 1.iii mg/1g
Liquid Topical xiii mg/100g
Spray Topical .0013 mL/1mL
Gel Topical .0013 mL/1mL
Liquid Topical 200 mg/100mL
Cloth Topical 200 mg/100mL
Foam Topical 0.1 g/100g
Balm Topical 0.59 mL/59mL
Gel Topical 0.13 thousand/100g
Swab Topical 1.three mg/one
Rinse Topical
Kit Oral
Kit Topical one.3 mg/1mL
Spray Topical
Gel, dentifrice Dental
Material Topical 0.12 g/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.xiv 1000/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.5 1000/100mL
Fabric Topical one.fifteen mg/1g
Balm Topical 0.66 mg/1g
Textile Topical 0.0005 1/1
Gel Topical 0.03 m/60mL
Gel Topical 1.three g/1mL
Liquid Topical .13 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical one.3 g/1L
Cloth Topical 0.23 yard/100g
Soap Topical 0.23 g/100mL
Lather Topical 0.34125 g/1mL
Lather Topical 1.287 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical iii g/100mL
Spray Topical 1 mg/1mL
Spray Topical ane.3 mg/1mL
Solution Oral
Solution Topical 0.013 grand/1mL
Solution Cutaneous
Soap Topical 0.i m/99g
Powder Topical 0.xiii %
Lotion Topical 0.13 %
Soap Topical 0.115 k/100g
Liquid Topical thirteen thou/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.1 %
Gel Topical 0.13 mg/1mL
Spray Topical 0.5 g/100mL
Aerosol Topical
Aerosol Topical 0.2 g/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.28 grand/701
Fabric Topical 0.45 thousand/100g
Cloth Topical 0.9375 mg/one
Solution Topical 0.0052 mg/ane
Swab Topical 0.08 g/100g
Gel Topical 1 mg/100mg
Liquid Topical 0.1 g/100g
Patch Topical 0.i one thousand/100g
Solution Topical 4.68 mg/1
Spray Topical 0.65 chiliad/500mL
Gel Topical 1 one thousand/59mL
Lozenge Oral one.0 mg
Liquid Topical 0.156 mg/120mg
Lotion Topical 0.156 mg/120mg
Gel Topical 0.23 mg/180mg
Gel Topical 0.46 mg/240mg
Liquid Topical 0.312 mg/240mL
Swab Topical 1.1 mg/1mL
Cloth Topical 0.125 yard/100mL
Foam Cutaneous
Solution Topical; Vaginal 0.02 g
Liquid Topical 2.5 mg/250mL
Soap Topical two.v k/100g
Liquid Topical .ten m/100g
Liquid Topical 1 g/1000mL
Swab Topical 0.0013 grand/1g
Liquid Topical two g/1L
Solution, concentrate Topical 16.5 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.13 %
Solution Topical 0.ane mg/100mL
Solution Topical 19.8 mg/1mL
Solution Topical mg/1mL
Solution Topical 5.five mg/1mL
Solution Topical 8.ix mg/1mL
Lotion Topical 0.13 % v/v
Gel Topical 0.13 % v/v
Liquid Extracorporeal 0.01 mg/250mL
Swab Topical .12 one/i
Swab Topical 0.12 one/one
Tablet Topical 8 1/1001
Liquid Topical thirteen mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.24 g/100mL
Liquid Topical .133 %
Solution Topical 0.1 g/100g
Solution Topical
Solution Topical 0.13 % v/five
Solution Topical 0.26 thou/100mL
Solution Topical 0.998 g/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.i % w/w
Solution Topical 1 chiliad/1mL
Solution Topical 0.0015 yard/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.thirteen mg/100mL
Liquid Topical .13 m/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.115 % w/due west
Gel Dental
Liquid Topical 2.5 thousand/100mL
Gel Topical 0.0887 g/88.7mL
Lotion Topical mg/1mL
Cream Topical 1.3 mg/1g
Liquid Cutaneous; Topical 1.3 mg/1mL
Swab Topical 0.11 1000/100g
Solution Topical 1.3 chiliad/1000mL
Liquid; spray Topical
Tablet, effervescent Vaginal 20 mg
Solution Topical 0.00585 g/1
Cloth Topical 1 mg/1mL
Cream Topical
Swab Topical 0.13 mg/100mL
Swab Topical 0.00182 mL/1.4mL
Fabric Topical 0.0013 mg/100mg
Lather Topical 0.13 mL/100mL
Gel Topical 1 mg/1g
Gel Topical 0.029 mL/29.57mL
Liquid Topical two m/100g
Solution Topical 0.013 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.8 mg/1mL
Solution Topical % v/v
Liquid Topical 0.1000 mL/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.013 mg/1mL
Soap Topical 0.003 mg/1mL
Solution Topical 0.13 % west/w
Liquid Topical 1.1 mg/1mL
Spray Topical mg/1mL
Solution Topical 0.115 mL/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.001 g/1mL
Lotion Topical .0013 1000/1mL
Spray Topical 0.001 g/1mL
Soap Topical 6.04 yard/3805.2g
Lotion Topical .364 k/280mL
Lotion Topical 0.thirteen g/100mL
Gel Topical 0.01 g/59g
Liquid Topical 2.5 %
Solution Topical 0.0026 g/2mL
Soap Topical 0.13 mg/100mL
Cloth Extracorporeal
Material Topical 0.thirteen 1000/3.5mL
Fabric Topical 0.2 g/3.8mL
Material Topical 0.2 g/100mL
Gel Topical 0.015 grand/100mL
Liquid Topical chiliad mg/1mL
Aerosol, spray Topical yard mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 100 mg/1mL
Gel Topical ten mg/100mL
Liquid Topical i.05 chiliad/1000g
Patch Topical 0.133 g/100g
Spray Topical 0.61 g/472mL
Gel Topical 0.15 % v/5
Swab Topical 0.3 g/337g
Spray Topical 0.1 yard/100g
Spray Topical 0.0013 g/1mL
Liquid Topical 10 mg/100mL
Cloth Topical .0013 mg/100mg
Solution Topical ane.iii g/100mL
Liquid Topical xiii %
Swab Topical i.xv mg/1mL
Kit Topical 0.13 %
Cream Topical 0.thirteen % due west/west
Aerosol, cream Topical 0.0013 thousand/1g
Gel Topical 0.0013 g/1g
Spray Topical 0.0013 g/1g
Soap Topical 0.13 1/1mL
Gel Topical 0.ane % due west/v
Cloth Topical 3.480 thou/34.8g
Cloth Topical 0.3 g/100g
Solution Topical .001 g/1g
Kit Ophthalmic; Oral; Topical
Kit Topical 0.00013 i/1
Fabric Topical 0.2 1/1001
Swab Topical 0.3 mg/100mL
Film Topical 0.115 thousand/1001
Pill Vaginal 0.003 g/i
Balm Topical 0.1 chiliad/100mL
Material Topical 1.3 g/100mL
Material Topical ane mg/1g
Lotion Topical 0.95 g/1mL
Douche Vaginal 1 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 1200 ug/1mL
Solution Topical 0.02 thousand
Solution Topical 10 chiliad
Cloth Topical 534 mg/52696mg
Liquid Topical 26 yard/100mL
Lotion Topical 0.ane %
Fabric Topical 0.001 mg/1
Aerosol, cream Topical .27 mL/207mL
Droplets, cream Topical 0.1 grand/100g
Droplets, foam Topical 0.13 kg/100L
Droplets, foam Topical 0.8 kg/100L
Aerosol, foam Topical 0.8 g/100mL
For solution Topical 0.001 chiliad/100g
Gel Topical 0.0003 thousand/100mL
Gel Topical 0.01 g/100mL
Gel Topical 0.i mg/100mg
Gel Topical 0.1 kg/100L
Gel Topical 0.12 g/100mL
Gel Topical 0.1235 k/95mL
Gel Topical 0.thirteen g/1mL
Gel Topical 0.ii kg/100kg
Gel Topical 0.ii g/100g
Gel Topical 0.three g/100mL
Gel Topical 0.3068 g/236mL
Gel Topical 2 mg/4L
Gel Topical 2 mg/80mL
Gel Topical 2 mg/1L
Liquid Topical 0.0013 chiliad/1L
Liquid Topical 0.0039 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.01 g/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.3068 k/236mL
Liquid Topical 1.00 mg/1L
Liquid Topical 1.three 1000/1000g
Liquid Topical 2 mg/59mL
Liquid Topical 2.5 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical five mg/3785mg
Liquid Topical 7.49 g/1L
Lotion Topical i mg/1mL
Lotion Topical one.3 thousand/1000g
Solution Topical 0.xiii kg/100L
Solution Topical one.3 g/1mL
Solution Topical 2 chiliad/100g
Spray Topical 0.0294 k/30mL
Spray Topical 12 g/100mL
Spray Topical 2 mg/59mL
Liquid Topical 13 mg/100mL
Liquid Extracorporeal 0.114 mg/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.13 kg/100kg
Cloth Topical 0.125 mg/100mg
Cloth Topical 0.ii mg/100mg
Gel Topical 0.13 thousand/1
Gel Topical 0.xiii g/1001
Cloth Topical 0.0067275 g/1
Cloth Topical 0.1755 k/135g
Patch Topical 0.0042 g/4.2g
Swab Topical 0.08 1/1001
Cream Topical 0.18 mg/100mL
Liquid Topical .999 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 1.3091 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.222 g/222mL
Material Topical ane.3 thou/1mL
Swab Topical
Swab Topical 0.xiii ane/1001
Spray Topical 0.13 %
Spray Topical 0.13 mg / 100 mg
Liquid Topical 1.0 %
Spray Topical 0.15 %
Liquid Topical 0.25 g/100mL
Soap Topical
Liquid Extracorporeal 0.ii grand/100g
Kit Topical 0.1 m/100g
Gel Topical 0.15 % w/w
Solution Topical 0.35 chiliad/100mL
Solution Topical 1.7 mg/1
Gel Topical 0.13 thousand/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.xv %
Solution Topical 0.2 g
Ointment Nasal; Topical 0.thirteen 1000/100g
Swab Topical 0.30 thousand/100g
Material Topical 0.14 1/1
Cloth Topical 0.1 U/100U
Gel Topical 0.059 g/59mL
Liquid Topical 0.13 L/100L
Solution / drops Auricular (otic)
Droplets, spray Topical 9.9 mg/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.5 m/100mL
Cloth Transdermal 0.001 1/1
Liquid Cutaneous; Infiltration
Liquid Topical 0.0013 yard/1mL
Liquid Topical 130 mg/100mL
Kit Topical 0.13 k/100g
Soap Topical 2.5 mg/1L
Aerosol, cream Topical 1 mg/1mL
Lotion Topical 1.three mg/1mL
Solution Topical 4.66 one thousand/3782.95g
Soap Topical 0.0026 mg/100mL
Gel Topical 0.095 mg/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.05 ane/1001
Cloth Topical 0.378 g/801
Cloth Topical 1.2 g/1
Gel Topical 0.95 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 3 g/500mL
Soap Topical 4.92 thousand/3785mL
Solution Topical 50 mg
Solution Topical 1.2 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 1.2 mg/1mL
Solution Ophthalmic
Liquid Topical .13 % / kit
Liquid Topical 0.076 g/59mL
Lather Topical 0.i g/110g
Liquid Topical 0.5 g/50mL
Gel Topical 0.five chiliad/50mL
Cream Topical 0.13 chiliad/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.13 g/100g
Spray Topical 0.148 g/100mL
Liquid; swab Topical 0.xi %
Liquid Topical 750 mg/250mL
Cloth Topical 8 mg/1
Cloth Topical 0.007 g/5.33g
Material Cutaneous; Topical
Solution Topical 0.13 kg/1kg
Foam Topical 0.05 mg/100mL
Liquid Topical fifty mg/500mL
Cloth Topical 0.1677 g/ane
Material Topical 0.18 g/501
Liquid Topical 0.thirteen one thousand/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.v mg/100mL
Liquid Topical mg/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.44 g/354mL
Solution Topical 1.3 g/1L
Solution Topical 0.013 mg/1L
Solution Topical 1.3 mg/1000mL
Solution Topical 0.001 m/1mL
Cloth Topical 0.23 1000/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.13 mg/100mL
Gel Topical 0.0011 mg/1mL
Spray Topical 0.135 thou/100mL
Gel Ophthalmic
Cloth Topical 0.15 g/100g
Kit Ophthalmic
Kit Ophthalmic; Topical
Lotion Topical 1.5 mg/1mL
Lotion Topical 0.xiii one thousand/1mL
Droplets, foam Topical ane.0 mg/1mL
Cloth Topical 0.1 % westward/w
Solution Topical 0.133 grand/100g
Soap Topical 0.15 chiliad/100g
Cloth Topical ten mg/1mL
Gel Topical one.2 mg/1mL
Soap Topical 1.3 one thousand/1L
Soap Topical 1.0 thou/1L
Solution Topical 5.iv mg/1
Fabric Topical 0.thirteen % five/5
Soap Topical 0.013 g/1g
Liquid Extracorporeal
Liquid Extracorporeal 0.195 mg/150mL
Liquid Extracorporeal 0.65 mg/500mL
Liquid Topical 0.x % due west/due west
Solution Topical 0.1 g/100mL
Spray Topical 0.02 g/100mL
Solution Topical 0.136 % w/w
Gel Topical 0.136 % 5/v
Lather Topical 0.ane mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 1.05 g/100g
Liquid Topical 0.0018 mg/1.35mL
Liquid Topical 1.iii mg/1.7mL
Liquid Topical 3 mg/100mL
Shampoo Topical
Liquid Topical 0.13 mg/100mg
Spray Topical ane.3 g/1L
Liquid Topical 0.66 yard/100mL
Liquid Topical 50 g/100g
Cloth Topical 0.1 1/1001
Cloth Topical 0.12 mg/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.133 thousand/1
Gel Topical 1 ug/1mL
Liquid Topical 1 ug/1mL
Liquid Topical 1.three ug/1mL
Lotion Topical .596 grand/298g
Solution Topical 5 mg/1mL
Patch Topical 0.12 mg/100mg
Tablet Oral 0.4 mg
Cream Topical 0.13 g/100g
Solution Topical 0.ten %
Cloth Topical 0.0004 i/ane
Cloth Topical 0.04 g/100g
Gel Topical i g/59g
Lotion Topical .1 g/100g
Soap Topical 1.3 one thousand/1mL
Balm Topical mL/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.005 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.13 g/0.1L
Cream Topical 0.05 m/100mL
Lotion Topical 0.13 mg/1mL
Gel Topical one g/22mL
Swab Topical 0.1212 g/100g
Solution Topical 1 mg/1mL
Solution Topical 0.0013 g/1mL
Gel Topical ane.nineteen mg/1mL
Solution Topical 1.0 mg/1mL
Gel Topical 0.15 g/100g
Aerosol, spray Topical 1.3 mg/1mL
Ointment Nasal
Liquid Topical 0.8 grand/100mL
Liquid Topical ane.5 thousand/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.1 %
Soap Topical .27 mL/236mL
Lather Topical 4.3 mL/3.75L
Gel Topical 0.1 mL/100mL
Kit Topical 1.33 mg/1mL
Gel Topical 2 mg/1mL
Insert, extended release Topical 0.xiii mg/100mL
Gel Topical 0.xv g/100mL
Swab Topical 0.ane 1/1001
Solution / drops Nasal
Spray Nasal
Cloth Topical 9.984 mg/1
Cloth Topical 11 mg/1
Swab Topical 0.0021 mL/1.4mL
Patch Topical 1.33 mg/1g
Solution Topical .004 mL/one
Cloth Topical 0.04 mg/100mL
Liquid Topical 10 g/1000mL
Swab Topical 0.0004 chiliad/0.4g
Swab Topical 0.iv g/407g
Cream Topical 0.025 thousand/50g
Lotion Topical 0.xiii % w/five
Soap Topical 0.3068 g/236mL
Material Topical 0.05 mg/i
Liquid Topical 2.6 g/1L
Solution Topical 1 g/1000mL
Soap Topical 0.0013 mg/1mL
Gel Oral 0.i mg/ml
Gel Topical
Gel Oral
Gel Dental; Topical
Solution Topical; Vaginal 50 mg
Liquid Topical .13 %
Solution Topical .26 g/100mL
Lotion Topical thirteen mg/1mL
Solution Cutaneous 1.3 mg/1mL
Solution Cutaneous mg/2mL
Swab Topical 0.12 mg/100mg
Cloth Topical 0.13 mL/1mL
Liquid Topical i mg/13mL
Patch Topical 0.38 g/100g
Cloth Topical 0.1 g/100g
Soap Topical 0.thirteen g/100g
Liquid Topical 0.0002218 mg/221.8mL
Fabric Topical 0.1 g/1
Material Topical 0.0013 g/1g
Solution Topical 0.0013 g/1g
Cloth Topical 0.0155 chiliad/1
Lotion Topical 0.12 % w/w
Soap Topical 120 mg/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.0006 1/1
Material Topical 0.xiii mg/1mg
Gel Topical 0.066 g/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.00008 g/1001
Spray ane.3 mg/1mL
Solution Topical 1.33 mg / mL
Liquid Topical 1 g/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.26 g/200mL
Liquid Topical 120 mg/100mL
Liquid Topical 28.39 mg/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.143 chiliad/1
Liquid Topical 12 mL/100mL
Textile Topical 0.13 1000/100g
Lotion Topical
Liquid Topical ane.3 g/1000mL
Lotion Topical 0.295 mg/227mg
Spray Topical 0.13 mL/100mL
Cream Rectal
Suppository Rectal five MG
Lotion Topical 1.3 mg/10mL
Liquid Topical one.three mg/10mL
Aerosol, spray Topical 0.167 g/100mL
Soap Topical 0.1 mg/100mL
Liquid Topical 1.three one thousand/1mL
Liquid Topical 1.33 mg/1mL
Solution / drops Ophthalmic
Solution Topical 0.15 % westward/v
Lotion Topical 0.1 mg/100mL
Lotion Topical one.3 mg/0.001L
Solution Topical 0.1 yard/0.1L
Liquid Topical 0.0013 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.00013 ane/ane
Material Topical 0.0013 mg/1mL
Cloth Topical 0.thirteen %
Liquid Topical 0.00115 ane/1
Material Topical 0.2 1000/1001
Solution Topical 0.006 g/1
Liquid Topical 0.3 one thousand/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.1274 g/100g
Gel Topical 0.1274 g/100g
Kit Topical 0.xiii % w/w
Solution Topical 13 one thousand/100mL
Cloth Topical 130 mg/100mL
Spray Topical 0.078 one thousand/60mL
Liquid Topical 0.v mg/1mL
Spray Topical 10 mg/100mL
Material Topical 0.10 g/i
Liquid Topical 0.1 kg/100L
Lotion Topical 6 % w/westward
Oil Cutaneous
Soap Topical 0.0013 g/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.237 g/237mL
Cloth Topical 0.12 %
Material Topical 0.12 k/100g
Patch Topical 0.115 mg/100mg
Cloth Topical 6.8 mg/100mL
Lather Topical 0.xiii g/1L
Liquid Topical 1.6 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 1.three mg/1mL
Solution Topical 120 mg/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.1 grand/300mL
Gel Topical 170 mg/89mL
Gel, dentifrice Oral
Solution Topical 0.15 % v/5
Liquid Topical 4.918 one thousand/100mL
Lotion Topical .13 mg/1mL
Spray Topical 0.i mg/100mL
Shampoo Topical 0.1 mg/100mL
Liquid Cutaneous 1.three mg/1mL
Gel Cutaneous ane.3 mg/1mL
Soap Topical 0.12 g/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.13 g/100mL
Concentrate Topical
Liquid Topical 0.12 mg/100mL
Spray Cutaneous
Solution Topical 0.1 % due west/w
Liquid Cutaneous i.0 mg/1mL
Cloth Cutaneous ane mg/i
Cloth Topical 0.13 mg/1mL
Cloth Topical 0.24 mg/1mL
Fabric Topical 0.133 ane/1001
Soap Topical 1.00 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.18 k/100mL
Gel Cutaneous 1 mg/1mL
Cloth Topical 0.15 % w/w
Gel Topical 0.26 g/100mL
Swab Topical 0.26 g/100g
Liquid Cutaneous 2 g/1L
Cream Topical 0.five k/100g
Solution Topical 0.1 mg/100mg
Cloth Topical 3.79 mg/1
Cloth Topical 0.12 g/1001
Cloth Topical ane chiliad/1
Swab Topical 0.05 1/1001
Swab Topical 0.115 i/1001
Cloth Topical 0.00013 mg/1mg
Cloth Topical 0.013 mg/1mL
Cloth Topical 0.ane mg/100mg
Cloth Topical 0.13 1/1001
Textile Topical 0.13 1/i
Cloth Topical one.3 mg/100mg
Liquid Topical one.2 g/100mL
Liquid Topical ane.iii mg/1.4g
Patch Topical 0.13 grand/100g
Solution Topical 1 mg/1000mL
Solution Topical one.3 mg/1mL
Solution Topical 0.13 g/100mL
Solution Topical
Cloth Cutaneous 0.00097 g/1mL
Gel Topical 5 yard/1L
Shampoo Topical 0.001 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.37 yard/100g
Textile Topical 0.13 g/1
Cloth Topical 0.20 1000/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.xiii 1/1
Liquid Topical 1.25 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical ane.5 mg/1mL
Sponge Topical one.iii mg/1mL
Aerosol, cream Topical 0.12 mg/100mg
Liquid Topical 0.15 g/100mL
Cloth Topical .13 g/1g
Liquid Topical 0.65 g/500mL
Gel Topical 0.65 g/500mL
Spray Topical xiii mg/1mL
Liquid Topical .i %
Lotion Topical 1 g/1000mL
Liquid Topical 0.2 m/100g
Liquid Topical 0.1809 k/100mL
Spray Topical 0.xiii mg/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.15 % w/westward
Liquid Topical 0.0013 mg/0.0013mg
Liquid Topical 1 grand/1L
Patch Topical 0.0032 g/3.2g
Liquid Topical .13 g/100g
Cloth Topical 0.ane i/ane
Lotion Topical 0.13 chiliad/100g
Lotion Topical .13 g/100g
Spray Topical 0.001 mg/1mL
Balm Topical .56 g/293g
Lotion Topical 0.13 mg/100mL
Lotion Topical 0.1 % v/v
Material Topical 5.8 1000/i
Gel Topical 0.13 mg/100mL
Cloth Topical 0.75 mg/1mL
Cloth Topical 16 mg/1mL
Lather Topical 16 mg/1mL
Gel Topical 16 mg/1mL
Spray Topical 16 mg/1mL
Soap Topical 0.11 g/100g
Gel Topical 0.2 g/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.2 grand/100mL
Soap Topical i.105 g/850mL
Soap Topical 0.85 g/850mL
Swab Topical 0.xi %
Cloth Topical 0.10 g/100mL
Gel Topical 1 one thousand/1L
Solution Topical 2.4336 mg/1
Liquid Topical 0.24 mL/100mL
Solution Topical 0.12 thousand/100mL
Solution Ophthalmic
Cloth Topical 0.0062 one thousand/1
Solution Topical 0.1 %
Gel Topical 13 mg/100L
Cloth Topical 0.thirteen mg/100mg
Ointment Topical
Soap Topical 0.65 g/500mL
Lather Topical 0.1 mg/1L
Gel Topical 0.0013 kg/1kg
Lather Topical .0013 kg/1kg
Liquid Topical 1.3 uL/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.thirteen mg / 100 mg
Cloth Topical 0.083 g/1
Cloth Topical 0.083 g/201
Material Topical 0.197 thou/1
Cloth Topical 0.197 one thousand/501
Tincture Topical ane.3 mg/1mL
Solution Topical 0.13 g/1mL
Swab Topical 0.135 g/100g
Soap Topical 2.34 mg/1.8mL
Soap Topical 13 mg/10mL
Liquid Topical i.25 mL/1000mL
Liquid Topical 0.ane one thousand/100mL
Irrigant Topical one.three mg/1mL
Cloth Topical 0.115 chiliad/1
Aerosol, spray Topical 0.13 g/100g
Liquid Topical 0.1 mg/1L
Cloth Cutaneous 1.3 mg/i
Cloth Topical
Spray Topical 0.i grand/100mL
Spray Topical 0.125 % v/v
Spray Topical 0.10 thou/100mL
Liquid Topical 10 %
Soap Topical 0.ane g/100g
Liquid Topical one mg/1mL
Swab Topical 0.115 mg/1mL
Cloth Topical 0.115 yard/100mL
Soap Topical one thousand/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.015 yard/100mL
Liquid Topical 10 mg/1mL
Kit Not applicable; Oral; Topical
Gel Topical i g/30mL
Gel Topical yard/100mL
Liquid Topical 0.13 mL/100mL
Solution Topical 0.001 g/1g
Cloth Topical 0.15 % v/five
Cloth Topical 0.1 mg/100mL
Spray Topical ane.2 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical
Gel Topical 0.01 mg/100mL
Spray Topical 0.25 g/100mL
Spray Topical 10 g/100mL
Solution Topical 0.455 g/350mL
Solution Topical 0.312 thousand/240mL
Solution Topical 3.375 mg/1
Lotion Topical 0.0013 thou/1mL
Swab Topical 0.0013 mL/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.125 k/100mL
Swab Topical 0.thirteen mg/1mL
Swab Topical 0.xi 1/one
Swab Topical 0.thirteen 1/ane
Fabric Topical 0.09 m/one
Cloth Topical 1 mg/i
Cloth Topical 0.14 m/100g
Textile Topical 0.234 g/501
Swab Topical 0.1 g/ane
Material Topical 0.28 mg/1
Textile Topical 0.45 g/100mL
Lather Topical 13 mg/1.0mL
Cloth Topical 0.13 % w/v
Textile Topical 0.0052 mg/1
Solution Topical 5.85 mg/i
Solution Topical 4.6 mg/1
Solution Topical six.75 mg/1
Solution Topical 6.8 mg/1
Swab Topical 0.0062 k/1
Textile Topical 0.001 one/1
Fabric Topical 0.xv % w/v
Liquid Topical .11 %
Swab Topical .0013 g/1g
Liquid Topical 268575.42 mg/208198 mL
Lotion Topical 99468.4 g/100L
Aerosol, cream Topical 1.3 mg/1mL
Solution Topical 0.13 %
Spray Topical 0.13 % w/westward
Sponge Topical .13 mg/.13mg
Soap Topical 0.five thousand/444g
Liquid Topical 0.v g/444g
Soap Topical 0.2 thou/221g
Gel Topical 3 thou/207g
Cloth Topical 0.1677 g/501
Cream Topical 0.033 g/50mL
Cream Topical 0.198 g/300mL
Liquid Extracorporeal 0.072 mg/60mL
Spray, metered Topical
Liquid Topical 0.13 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical 0.1 mg/0.001L
Soap Topical 0.13 mg/1mL
Sponge Topical .133 mg/one
Spray Topical 26 mg/1mL
Liquid Topical .013 g/10mL
Liquid Topical 0.13 1000 / 100 one thousand
Solution / drops Ophthalmic
Fabric Topical 0.01 grand/100mL
Spray Topical 0.thirteen g/100g
Gel Cutaneous
Solution 0.1 g/100mL
Tablet Vaginal
Not Bachelor
Non Available
Not Bachelor
Experimental Properties
Not Available
Predicted Properties
Non Available
Predicted ADMET Features
Not Available
Mass Spec (NIST)
Not Available
Not Bachelor

Drug created at December 03, 2015 16:51 / Updated at Apr 18, 2022 21:45